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New Logo & Profile

As part of our growth, Speo products have made and implemented how we profile ourselves.

We are growing, and we are well on our way to developing our product. We have built and tested the first prototype and we have had knowledge of our knowledge and competition for their customers and partners.

We have thus come to the conclusion that we can now say something about who we are. We don’t just represent a plan for what we want to become – because now we’re in the gang!

It was so necessary to change the logo and presentation of us as the company.

We have deliveries to several customers, brands and services. Our technology is innovative and will be an environmentally safe product and today’s solutions – in addition to technological advantages.

We provide automation technology, we provide electro-hybrid solutions and we provide on-demand services. We are leaning forward and we work as an actuator – one that influences. We will show this in our updated logo.

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