SPEO Products have performed project management services to Canrig Robotic Technologies in relation to their new facility at Vagle in Sandnes, Norway.
We are proud and honored to be trusted as a partner to manage building of a modern facility that will be the home of cutting-edge robotic solutions.
SPEO’s tasks have been to supervise construction of the office and workshop building, and in addition – a full scale test site with all robotic systems installed.
Resources from SPEO have also contributed in planning and coordination activities between Canrig’s customers and suppliers.
Ny adresse og lokaler i Stavanger/Sandnes
Speo/Assure vokser. Dette har den konsekvensen at vi trenger mer egnede lokaler for vår lokasjon i Stavanger. Vi har derfor flyttet vårt Stavanger-kontor til FOMO Works D4, Grenseveien 21, 4313 Sandnes.