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Ny adresse og lokaler i Stavanger/Sandnes

Speo/Assure vokser. Dette har den konsekvensen at vi trenger mer egnede lokaler for vår lokasjon i Stavanger. Vi har derfor flyttet vårt Stavanger-kontor til FOMO Works D4, Grenseveien 21, 4313 Sandnes.

Other News

We are growing!

We are growing!

It is with great pleasure we welcome Carlos Briceno as our new hydraulic design engineer. Carlos join the SPEO team 1st February, and bring with him extensive hydraulic knowledge from the drilling equipment industry. He will be instrumental in our drive to deliver...

New member to the SPEO team!

New member to the SPEO team!

We are very pleased to present our new member to the SPEO team. Per Martin Brøten joined us 1st August as our Competent Electrical Contractor. Per Martin will be a great asset to bring our exiting innovation project further, and also assist our customers with his long...

New project

New project

We have been challenged by our demanding customers to explore if our system development project may find use on safety critical subsea and downhole applications. Innovasjon Norge and our customers support us with funding and expertise in a pre-project to uncover...